Atos Origin achieves ISO 14001 certification for all its data centers and buildings in the Netherlands within 7 months


Atos Origin, today announces that its environmental management system in the Netherlands has been certified to ISO 14001 standard. This means that all 15 office sites, divisions and data centers in the Netherlands have been certified as in compliance with this international standard. Certification was achieved in just seven months. [More…]

What’s Next: Top Trends


“…Observations on current and  future trends…” – Richard creates a very interesting weblog to understand trends and their connections. He also creates a novel trends-map and the 2010 edition is almost ready. [more…]

[thx to Francisco P. for the submit]

Nine times six: The New Norm


Colleague Carl Bate [] published a white paper on the significant changes going on in our society and affecting day-to-day business practices. Carl suggests 5 key questions to ask yourself in order to make use and/or cope with these fundamental changes:

  1. Which parts of your business model today are most susceptible to people bypassing the organization and doing it for themselves?
  2. Which parts of your corporate model are susceptible to employee bypass, enabled by consumer technology?
  3. What’s the future for your organizational investment in and management of information technology when the technology available to everyone is actually working?
  4. How can you develop and accelerate trust in the new business and societal security models?
  5. What new skills and decision making responsibilities are needed by your organization to embrace the opportunities and manage the risks of global connectivity?

I think these are excellent questions and would like to add one to complete the list:

    • What type of culture do you need to provide for people to motivate them to work collaborative in support of your business goals?

I recommend the whitepaper – it provides a good start when dealing with these questions.