The Power of Moving Pictures

When I came home from holiday, I connected my HD video-camera to my computer and was able to publish my recordings to YouTube in just 1 click (publishing on YouTube was actually even easier than putting it to a DVD).

Last month when I wanted to replace the hard disk in my MacBook, I found more than one detailed video on the internet with perfect instructions how to do that.

The Khan Academy has library of over 3,400 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice academic lessons available for anybody connected to the internet.

I can set up a video conference with anybody in my company who is online, in less than a minute.

Is it any wonder that video is high on the list of technologies that are important for organizations to communicate, train, support and sell their products and services?

(Increased) revenues are hidden in better communications and in targeted communication on different channels; Television, Internet and in-company broadcasting.

The Atos Scientific Community has researched the importance of video, the major technical and business challenges that industries face, and describes the opportunities opening up for system integrators. The result will be published in an upcoming whitepaper. (here)

Video will become so omnipresent and embedded that it will be the normal medium of communication

According to the research, we will see video technology appear in every part of our communication, supported by increasingly capable mobile devices and better connectivity.

It is even expected that the importance will take over from photography and written text.

Interactive capabilities and integration with social networks provide a large potential market that has not yet been completely monetized

This newly found importance of video is certainly not yet understood by everybody and still some time will pass before the right revenue models are available – most models now are based on counting the amount of views or the potential amount of people that are reached.

Increasingly we will see the value of data (including video) to be calculated against the impact of that data in social networks, the speed of distribution and the amount of response generated.

Last but not least I believe video will grow because it will just simply increase the quality of our communications – people talking with each other on the phone or in instant-messaging (I dare not mention email here…), especially across different continents, are just missing a big element of the part where communication leads to understanding.

True understanding in any conversation only comes from actually seeing you smile.


This blog post is a repost of



The Star Wars franchise has been bought by Disney. This results in hilarious responses such as this video. I think it is great!

Cloud Orchestration and your Interoperability Strategy

English: Diagram showing three main types of c...

English: Diagram showing three main types of cloud computing (public/external, hybrid, private/internal) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Life for a CIO or CTO used to be complex.

Then came Cloud Computing.

Now life is even more complex.

A year ago the Atos Scientific Community published a whitepaper on Cloud Computing. In the paper the concept was explained and we predicted that interoperability among clouds was going to be a major headache.

The paper also showed the result of a proof of concept in which we connected multiple private and public clouds to perform a single business workflow.

The hypothesis of the paper is that organizations will end up with multiple cloud environments:

“This will be driven by what is most fit for purpose for any given application (or part of it), based on an SLA trade-off between cost and business criticality. The corporate application landscape will therefore also fragment into those layers and into many business processes, requiring access to multiple applications and data connections that will need to span those layers. Unless enterprises consider these implications in advance, they risk building a heterogeneous IT infrastructure, only to discover that their key business processes can no longer be plugged together or supported.”

I think the authors (full disclosure: I was one of them) were right in their assumption and the situation nowadays is not any better than 1 year ago.

There are a couple of reasons I wanted to bring this to your attention again.

First because the paper has been re-launched on , secondly because the paper has been accepted as a submission to the yearly Internet conference WWW2012 ( ) and thirdly because on February 10, 2012 the United Nations announced they will take initiatives to “Aim for Cloud Interoperability”.

At least for me this was a surprise as I saw the UN mainly as an intergovernmental body looking to create lasting world peace.

But if you think this through it actually makes sense. The UN’s International Telecommunication Union (source: “is committed to connecting all the world’s people – wherever they live and whatever their means. Through our work, we protect and support everyone’s fundamental right to communicate.” And there is a lot more on vision, collaboration, achieving standards etcetera, etcetera.

During the January meeting of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group an initiative has been taken to start a study on this subject of cloud interoperability.

Apparently this was done on request of “leading CTO’s” to “investigate the standardization landscape in the cloud computing market and pursue standards to lead to further commoditization and interoperability of clouds”. (Source: ITU-T Newslog January 17, 2012).

This is good news and it is not the only initiative that came out recently.

The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), previously known as SGML OPEN, has started a technical committee on “Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications” (TOSCA) aiming to make it easier to deploy cloud applications without vendor lock-in, “…while maintaining application requirements for security, governance and compliance” (source:

The newly formed committee is supported by vendors like CA, Cisco, EMC, IBM, Red Hat, SAP and others.

In addition I recently Googled “Cloud interoperability” and when filtering for the last month, I got about 60.000 hits, so I can say that the subject is very well alive on the internet.

The point of all this? I firmly believe that in addition to your cloud strategy, you need to have a cloud interoperability strategy. You need to be aware of emerging standards and you need to talk to your vendor about it.

It is inevitable that some parts of your business will be run “in the cloud”; nowadays it is not only important how to get there, but also how to (securely) stay there while maintaining the flexibility to move around, interconnect your processes and still take end-to-end responsibility.

Like I said at the beginning. Life gets more complex.


[This blog post is a repost of]

The whitepaper can be downloaded here