Finally – I was right – Siri to be integrated in new iPhone 5

Image representing Siri as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

In February 2010 I wrote about the fantastic Siri software and called it the next chapter of the Web.In May 2010 I noticed that Apple had acquired Siri and predicted that Apple would incorporate the technology in their platform.

Nice to be right and nice to see things moving forward.

Please read:





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Star Trek Beaming Technology in New Windows Server 8?

Star Trek TOS logo

In a comprehensive post on ZDnet, Jason Perlow writes about the new and upcoming version of Windows Server 8.

Microsoft demonstrated the ability to literally “beam” — a la Star Trek — a virtual machine between two Hyper-V hosts with only an IP connection.”

The full article is a must read for anybody interested in Cloud Computing, Virtualization and new generation operating systems.

Another quote:

“… Server 8 changes everything, particularly from a complete virtualization and storage value proposition. CIOs are going to be very hard pressed to resist the product simply from all the stuff that you get built-in that you would otherwise have to spend an utter fortune on with 3rd-party products…”

A must read, even if you prefer Linux or OS/390.

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New job


Already a bit old but still exciting news: On September 1, 2011, I started my new job at Atos International; Global Business Development Director – More travels, more challenges, new colleagues.

I will be looking after the development of the Siemens Global Alliance in two major areas:

  • Cloud Computing and
  • Healthcare Systems


I am very excited about this opportunity and looking forward to getting the inspiration to restart my blogging (its about time….)

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